Monday, March 8, 2010

Aah Mother's Day

Like most otherwise good daughters, I find it almost impossible to remember when the hell Mother's Day is. So when I realized that the spontaneous weekend I was planning to spend with my folks just happened to fall on Mother's Day, I found myself casting around my house looking for some sort of gift.

Thank goodness my mother loves Victorian-era chemises as much as I do. She says they make great night gowns. Never mind that I've already given her two (one gorgeous one which I drafted myself and, like a fool, never got pictures of): I found one of those handy-dandy, Simplicity-pattern chemises all made up in her size and sitting in my studio. With some clever, late-night embroidery I gave it that "I made this!" touch that always reminds me of the marigolds and macaroni necklaces I gave her when I was a five-year-old.

But at least this time I took pictures. Voila! It's adorable:

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(I just love using a closed cretan stitch for leaves. I honestly don't know if it's period or not, but it is super cute and easy)

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